Flynn middle school
sterling heights,MI
Joined on 7/26/09
nice art
thanks :3 FUNCHY
<a href="http://whitewatch.info">http://whitewatch.info</a>
Why are you people so invested in acting like Black men and women! You got tanning?
<a href="http://stuffwhitepeopledo.blogspot.com/">http://stuffwhitepeopledo.blogspot.co m/</a>
<a href="http://www.whitewatch.info">http://www.whitewatch.info</a>
Your comments are ammunition for me to hit back with something you're not going to like!
Again, this is what White People do! They get upset when they lose a debate, they resort to the disgusting tactic of "playing the victim", call people "racial or homophobic slurs" or resort to saying someone's "racist" when they are called out on their ignorance! Again, this message is not only here to insult you as a human being, but to remind you why I exist to make people like you irrelevant.
After reading this and you're thinking about responding back with your coon, N****r, jiggaboo and other hysterical nonsense, you'll probably be blocked from responding anyways.
Nothing is personal unless you make it, personal!
"White" bigot, your typing couldn't come at a better time.
I easily determined that you are insufficiency lacking the intelligence to debate me or anyone else.
To make a blanket accusation like that is the empathy of why White men (such as yourself) are the reasons for the racism in the world. It's this and many reasons for White society to look past you instead of the minorities you happen to target.
In America, white conservative men are looked down upon by many in the world. Society realizes that people like you are the reasons for international terrorism, economic catastrophes in the world trade, and selfish greed among the lower nations.
When I read crap like this, I respond back and hit harder (and I will hurt feelings)! You best believe that every off-comment and inaccurate comment left by you and many others here on YouTube will be called out and challenged.
I am going to continue to make videos so assholes like you continue to express your emotional opinion about things that don't even affect your life. I am going to continue ignore the "advice" to 'wake up" from people who are scared of their own shadows! I going to defend President Obama from conservatives who spread lies about his policies and the conspiracy theories that drive people like you to the verge of stupidity! I will continue to gain the subscribers through my honest, unapologetic commentary whether you like it or not!
See, I don't get upset with people like you! You hit me with a softball and I'll knock your ass out with a bowling ball!
I checked out your page and I made this conclusion. To make this easier for you to comprehend.
You spamming people's pages with some made up statistics.
But who's to say whether or not you failed as a human being?
For a grown ass man, you certainly have no life ahead of yourself!
And don't try to say, "I got me a wife/girlfriend, job, kids and life crap!"
You wouldn't be wasting half of this time making off the wall comments on my page to get a reaction from me or others who don't agree with your boneheaded opinion.
You still haven't backed up your earlier 500 comments with a source! So don't grandstand my time whining about how rude or insensitive I am! I've tweaked you for a specific reason. You made an extreme comment, I will respond and hit you back through a long direct message. Get over it or find another person you can whine at!
And for all that flag waving, freedom wanting, bible thumping, gun totting, liberty claiming, wanting their country back, and claiming "you love America (or any other country) more than anyone else" crap: Conservatives certainly are not bringing anything to the table to help with the economy, these wars and the unemployment crisis.
You certainly talk a mean game behind the keyboards. It's a shame that I have to end with the usually unflattering messages I tend to leave for every conservative bigot out there in the YouTube blogosphere. But to tell you the truth, it's almost funny you would toss either a racial or homophobic slur around here. And for all the faulty statistics, fact-finding, and stories to paint one group as a problem. The real problem resides in you and the people who think like you!
You may name call and jump up and down about what I wrote, make thousands of photoshopped images of Black people to unflattering things (including pictures of animals, myself and/or others), and send thousands of comments trying to prove me wrong!
What I am sending you are these links websites that are critical of white people! This in return gives me the comfort of making you mad over a website that takes on White people in general. In which these websites debunks the conspiracy conjured up by white supremacists and conservative white males that [Blacks, Martin Luther King, Jr. or President Barack Obama] are the problems of society, in which this is a falsehood.
[Now] if you were such a "billy bad ass", how about showing it in the public eye! Instead of hiding behind the comfort of your computer, why don't you spend your time making at least one video? And when you do that, we'll see who acts out when you get thrown a racial slur or homophobic slur in response to your hard work!
You fools can act out on YouTube, WorldNetDaily, InfoWars, Huffington Post, The Politico, Free Republic, Fox Nation, Chimpout, N****rmania, and Stormfront or any blog of your choosing, but your ass ain't gonna do shit!
Cause every response may keep Barack Obama, The President of The United States.
I am more likely to see the president in office for years.
Torture, right?
sonofhalo10 (Updated )
heehee :3